When Francis Swiacki responded to an advertisement in his local paper for an executive administrator position, he never could have imagined he would spend the next four decades in one place.
“Aside from my family, working at Catholic Social Services has been the best thing to happen to me in my life,” said Swiacki. “Being partners in mission with these folks has made these 40 years at CSS fly by.”
Although Swiacki began his tenure with CSS working with at-risk youth, he has spent over the last ten years with the agency’s developmental programs as the division director.
“As I began to work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, I was almost immediately drawn to them. You truly do see the image of God in these individuals.”
A client that has stuck with Swiacki was a 5-year-old boy who was living in an institution. With the assistance of CSS, “we were able to help this child with his own family.”
CSS worked with the boy’s family to make their home handicap accessible, increased their nursing care, and provided additional social work attention. Because of CSS’ support, the boy is now able to live at home with his family while receiving necessary care.
The family was also connected to Father Amalraj Sawarimuthu, S.d.C., who works closely with the developmental programs. By working with Father Amal, “it moved the whole process in a spiritual direction as well.”
“It was particularly fulfilling for me to witness.”
Swiacki has his master’s degree in social work and followed that path due to his Catholic upbringing. Raised by devout Catholic parents, Swiacki has of 18 years of Catholic education.
“As I look back on my life, I think about the messaging I received from my parents,” said Swiacki. “What came through to me was the golden rule: to do charitable works. I decided to have my social work profession be my vehicle to answer the Gospel call and to adopt discipleship.”
Faith has played an important role in why Swiacki has continued to work at CSS.
“What keeps me here is that so much of your faith is expressed day to day. It is that daily integration of program and practice with one’s faith.”
Swiacki does not only see the significance of faith in his role, but with the developmental programs as well.
“There are other good agencies in our region and provide care, but I think Catholic Social Services and its developmental programs are different in that we directly address the spiritual needs of this population.”
The Developmental Programs Division empowers individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) through the programs of The Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence and St. Edmond’s Home for Children.
The programs provide a continuum of care offering a wide range of programming options including: Community and Campus-Based Living Arrangements, Life Sharing Through Family Living, and Day Programs.
Community and Campus-Based Living Arrangements are located throughout Delaware, Chester, and Philadelphia Counties. An individual-centered approach to care is implemented by an interdisciplinary team that includes house managers, program specialists, nursing, psychological and behavioral support, consultants, and on-call primary care physicians. Direct Support Professionals staff the homes 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Individuals with IDD receive a variety of opportunities for community experience including recreational, social, volunteer, work, and worship activities.
The Life Sharing Through Family Living program is a caring network of providers who welcome individuals with IDD into their homes to become a participating member of their family.
“Our individuals can experience the intimacy of a family. It is an opportunity for them to grow in an emotional and intimate way.”
Day Programs provide a safe, caring environment that allows individuals with IDD to create meaningful and independent lives. Examples include shopping expeditions, visits to the local “YMCA”, outings to restaurants, museums, theatres, etc., and may network with outside businesses for employment or volunteer opportunities.
CSS also offers respite care, a service provided on a short-term basis to relieve persons normally providing care to individuals with IDD.
To learn more about Catholic Social Services’ developmental programs, please visit: https://cssphiladelphia.org/service-category/intellectual-disabilities/