CSS staff members at the partnered World Refugee Day event.

To mark World Refugee Day (WRD), Catholic Social Services (CSS) partnered with Bethany Christian Services, HIAS Pennsylvania, Nationalities Service Center, and the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Immigrant Affairs for an event at the BOK Building in South Philadelphia.

The day included an informational panel featuring individuals with professional and lived refugee experiences and a showing of The Elephants and the Grass, a documentary following the journey of a Sudanese mother and daughter fleeing civil war.

WRD is an international celebration organized by the United Nations to celebrate and honor refugees from around the world. The day underscores the plight of migrants and refugees around the world who are displaced due to war, famine, or political unrest in their countries of origin. It is also a call to action for people everywhere to welcome refugees into their communities and help them to assimilate to their new homes.

Ahead of WRD, Pope Francis emphasized this importance by saying, “We are all called to welcome, promote, accompany, and integrate those who knock on our doors.”

CSS provides comprehensive assistance to refugees, evacuees, and asylum seekers emigrating to the United States and specifically to the Philadelphia region. Services provided include housing resources, assistance with benefits, employment searches, cultural orientation, and connection to mental health resources.

In May, CSS hosted its annual welcome luncheon for newly arrived individuals and families through its Immigration Service Programs. Around 100 guests were in attendance including approximately 80 newcomers as well as program supporters and volunteers.

Kathy Bevenour, Assistant Director of CSS Community Based Service Division, was one of several CSS staff members present to connect families to various resources.

“The Welcome Luncheon held every year by Catholic Social Services is a celebration of the amazing strides newly arrived immigrants have made in the past year as they have resettled their families in Philadelphia,” said Bevenour.

“The celebratory event included fare from all home countries of the peoples represented, resources and clothing items for families to take with them, activities for the children, gifts for everyone in attendance, and blessings and encouragement for attendees as they continue on their resettlement journey.”

To learn more about CSS Newcomer Programs, check out their website here.

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Amy Adams
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