Today at a special ceremony held at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center, Catholic Social Services (CSS) kicked off National Volunteer Week by honoring Ms. Mary Stock as its 2017 Volunteer of the Year
Ms. Stock, a long time parishioner of Saint Katharine Drexel parish in the City of Chester, is one of over 3,200 CSS volunteers who provided a combined total of nearly 60,000 volunteer hours to the Catholic Church’s charitable works last year in the five-county Archdiocese.
After retiring as a nurse more than three years ago, she began volunteering at CSS’ Family Service Center Coffee Club, a drop-in service for the homeless and needy in Chester. She has worked tirelessly to expand the Club’s activities program and assisted with “Club Member” field trips to Longwood Gardens, Linvilla Orchards, and Citizen’s Bank Park.
Ms. Stock was nominated by Reverend Anthony Orth, Pastor of Saint Gabriel Parish in Norwood (Delaware County), Chaplain of the Coffee Club, and CSS’ 2016 Volunteer of the Year. At the ceremony, Father Orth praised Ms. Stock for her humility, gentle nature, and vital contributions to the Coffee Club.
Father Orth said, “Ms. Stock volunteers four days a week for a few hours each day. She goes the extra mile by driving people to the Family Service Center, church, doctor’s office, and more.” He went on to say, “On the way Mary gets to know them and love them. She gives them a ride, or helps with whatever they need. And she gives them what we all need, the love of Christ.”
Auxiliary Bishop John J. McIntyre McIntyre, Mr. James Amato, Secretary for Catholic Human Services, and Ms. Amy Stoner, Director of Community-based and Homeless Services of CSS, presented the award to Ms. Stock.
Catholic Social Services’ volunteer program, under the direction of its Volunteer and Community Relations Division, is responsible for providing support and assistance to CSS service based and ministerial outreach programs by recruiting, screening, matching, and monitoring appropriate volunteers. For additional information on volunteer opportunities, please call 215-854-7058, or email