Each October, Respect Life Month honors the sacredness of life and the dignity of every human person, from the moment of conception until natural death.

Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CSS) will once again encourage broad participation in Respect Life Month by hosting a Diaper Drive for families in need.

One in three families struggle to provide clean diapers for their baby. CSS’ annual Diaper Drive helps to stock the shelves of its Family Service Centers located throughout the five-county metropolitan area and benefits those who participate in its Beautiful Beginnings and Beautiful Parenting Programs.

Those interested in helping our neighbors can support CSS and the Diaper Drive by purchasing diapers online through You Give Goods at https://yougivegoods.com/diaperdrive.  All goods donated online now through Friday, October 31st will be shipped directly to CSS for distribution.

In early March, CSS was named Pennsylvania’s Service Provider of the Year by Real Alternatives for the seventh consecutive year. Real Alternatives is a non-profit, charitable organization in Pennsylvania that administers pregnancy and parenting support services.

In 2018, CSS provided comprehensive support services to more than 5,000 pregnant women. Modes of support include access to free, caring, and confidential support services, education about reproductive health concerns, prenatal and parenting support groups, assistance in finding appropriate medical services, and referral to adoption services for those who wish to explore that option.

Throughout the greater Philadelphia region, young women and mothers regularly turn to CSS facilities for emotional support and essential parenting resources needed to best care for their families. CSS assists more than 174,000 children, adults and families of all faiths throughout the five-county metropolitan area comprising the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

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Editor’s Note: Catholic Social Services (CSS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia offers community-based and residential programs and services to support men, women and children in need as an expression of the charitable works of our local Church throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. To learn more about CSS programs that serve a wide variety of human needs, please visit https://cssphiladelphia.org/

For more information on CSS’ Beautiful Beginnings Program, please visit www.ABeautifulBeginning.org

For more information on CSS’ Beautiful Parenting Program, please visit www.BeautifulParenting.org

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Amy Adams
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