(Photo: Sarah Webb)

This summer, more than 80 women served by Catholic Social Services’ (CSS) Housing and Homeless Services Division made the trip to Malvern Retreat House for the annual Dorothy Day, Servant of God, Women’s Retreat.

Hosted by CSS, the two-day retreat included a broad spectrum of activities such as speaker sessions, praise through music performances, arts and crafts, a late-night movie with popcorn, and an ice cream sundae party.

Father Christopher Walsh, Pastor of Saint Cecilia Parish in Northeast Philadelphia, joined as the spiritual leader and Bill Monaghan, Philadelphia area music minster, led that component of the retreat. This year’s theme was “Get Your Praise On.”

A highlight of the stay included miniature figurines that were placed around the Malvern Retreat House Campus.

(Photo: Sarah Webb)

“We hid nearly 200 miniature  figurines of Jesus throughout the  grounds and held a scavenger hunt,” said Amy Stoner, Director of CSS’ Community Based and Housing and Homeless Services Division. “I had previously told the ladies that my prayer for them was that they would ‘find Jesus’ while here on retreat. And they did!”

There were other opportunities for participants to draw closer to Christ as well.

Every year, Father Walsh leads  a Stations of the Cross walk. Through shaded tree covered paths, attendees are shown the life and death of Jesus depicted in crafted sculptures placed at each station.

As a reminder of Christ’s suffering, participants take turns carrying a large wooden cross along the path, stopping at each station to view the statues and pray.

“All of our women on the trip are in recovery and have experienced homelessness. The Stations of the Cross was a powerful exercise to see,” added Stoner.

This year, participants were introduced to The Way of the Cross for Those in Recovery, a guidebook by Father Robert Craig for those who struggle with substance use. During the walk, Father Walsh used the piece to associate the pain and struggle that Jesus endured with that experienced by those suffering from addiction. The women were reminded that Jesus is there for each of them, to uplift and support them on their journey towards recovery.

Following the walk the group participated in a pinning ceremony, a long-standing tradition at Malvern Retreat House. The attendees receive a pin from members of the CSS and Malvern leadership teams symbolizing that they are always welcome at the Dorothy Day Women’s Retreat.

Dorothy Day, an American journalist and Catholic social activist, was known for her strong defense of the most vulnerable, including those experiencing homelessness.

CSS reflects Day’s sentiments of protecting those experiencing homelessness through providing safe shelter and a warm bed for thousands of men, women and children. Services provided include rent, mortgage, and utility assistance, temporary housing, life skills programs, case management services, recovery support groups, parenting education, recreational and enrichment programs, and childcare in a safe and loving environment. To learn more about CSS’ Housing and Homeless Services Division please visit https://cssphiladelphia.org/service-category/housing-and-homeless/.

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Amy Adams
Creative Student

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